Home > Septic Pumping Blog > 4 Indications that a Septic Repair is Necessary

The more you keep an eye on your septic system, the sooner you can recognize the indications that a septic repair is necessary before it becomes a full system failure. Doing so could also save you from a messy backup that always seems to happen at the most importune time. Here are some indications that you should watch for:

4 Indications that a Septic Repair is Necessary

  1. Frequent drain clogs or slow drainage – A septic system can often start showing warning signs before a full blockage occurs. Smaller clogs and slower drains can be indicative of a growing problem either in the lines leading to the system, the septic tank or the drain field.
  2. Septic RepairWet areas in your yard – When your septic system is having difficulty handling the wastewater, it can often push up into your yard, leaving wet areas or even just areas where you notice your landscaping is strangely growing much better than usual. You might also notice a depression or other low area or find that your yard stays wet longer after a rainstorm because there isn’t proper drainage.
  3. Constant need to pump tank – If you find that you need to have your septic tank pumped more often, there is a problem. A typical family of four usually only needs septic tank pumping every 3-5 years. If suddenly you need it every year, there is a problem.
  4. Age – If your septic system is more than 30 years old, you need to have it inspected regularly. Old concrete tanks and systems can deteriorate and more easily be damaged by weight above ground. You should never drive on any septic system with your vehicles, but take extra special care not to when it is an older system. Even heavier lawn equipment can damage an older system.

One of the most important ways to avoid costly septic repair bills is to have your septic system maintained regularly by a septic company. At Averett Septic Tank Co Inc. in Lakeland, FL, we will do everything we can to help you avoid a system failure. We are available 24/7 for emergency septic repair.

4 Indications that a Septic Repair is Necessary